Multi-tenant Pattern

Multi-tenant Pattern

If you are a vertical market solution provider then this pattern will appeal to you.

Single server variation This document covers upgrading several customer applications that are all running on a single server. If you have many servers to upgrade then you will need to repeat this process for each server for now. We have multi-server target support on our near-term roadmap for OttoDeploy.


You want to upgrade several customer applications that are all running on a single server with the same "new version" of your application.



You can use sub-deployments to deploy the same version from your dev server or from a "release build" to each of the application instances running on the server. Each sub-deployment can be setup to use the specific file names and file options for each customer.

Atomic sub-deployments

Since each sub-deployment is atomic, if one of the sub-deployments fails then the remaining sub-deployments will not be affected, unless you use the abort remaining option feature.

Advanced options

You will need to turn on the "Advanced options" in the deployment settings to use the sub-deployments and abort remaining sub-deployments features.